Sunday, 27 January 2013

Alternative Valentines gifts - Vinyl Clocks

Excuse me while I quote one of my favourite films 'Love is like oxygen, love is a many splendored thing! Love lifts us up where we belong! All you need is love!' - Moulin Rouge, 2001. Never has a statement been more true. Well, we need money and have to eat, just as Satine points out, but love really does give you that incredible buzzing feeling, a similar feeling to hearing your favourite song loudly or re-discovering a song from your childhood. So, continuing my Alternative valentines day, how about something that links music and love, two of the greatest highs of life.

Vinyl Clocks.

"The idea behind Vinyl Clocks is really very simple. Music evokes memories.  You don't have to hear the music to trigger the memory, just the name of the song, the rest is in your head." explains Tim of VC.

"We always look at clocks, so each time you check the time, you get a good memory as well."

For me it certainly does, whether it's a guy I've dated or a song from parties, clubs or even songs from films. You don't really remember how much you miss a song until you hear it again,  something about a lyric that triggers those forgotten memories, nothing beats that joy. I then over-play the song for days but that's my own fault.  Such an awkward turtle.

I'm a fan of 'different' and unique products. Whether it's clothes, shoes, make up or just household items I enjoy having a story to tell behind the item. I've yet to move into my very own place (just me, no annoying housemates/parents) but I have set out a room plan for each room of the flat - yes, I am weird like that.) 

Want to let your other half know that you actually are aware of their favourite song or their favourite band? Impress them with to a Vinyl Clock! Your song, their favourite or simply just a message you wish to get across to them 'I want your sex' by George Michael was a choice last year...very to the point to the say the least! Ahem.

You can choose your ideal vinyl through genres, decades and even send a request: Vinyl Clocks

Varying from ELO and Beatles through to Foo Fighters and Elbow. There are so many I want! 

Just have a few more months to wait, a wall full of clocks is normal, right? 

ELO: £19.95
Foo Fighters - Low: £26.95
Queen - Under Pressure / Bohemian Rhapsody:  £34.95

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Alternative Valentines gifts -Upcycling Emporium

Flowers are over-rated and most women treat themselves to a chocolate or two every night (omg, no we don't) so why not treat your girlfriend/wife/girl yo crushin' on to something a little different. Show you pay an interest to their interests and hobbies. Buy them something that will make them feel as special as they make you feel (pass the sickbag!) In this series, the first of my new blog, I will be bringing you struggling Casanovas a few ideas starting off with this beauty.

Upcycling Emporium

Vintage and up-cycled items have become a must-have trend in the past few years, not only for it's quirkiness in the fashion industry but during the recession it is what most of us could afford. Birmingham based Upcycling Emporium have taken this trend on board and breathe new life into what most would consider old crap, creating new and unique pieces, ranging from chairs to desks to shelves to tables. 

I find the items are beautifully redesigned with an added touch of colour and a dash of va-va-voom, ideal for bedrooms, living rooms and offices. Kooky one-off pieces ideal for that kooky woman in your life.

Speaking to it's founder, Ryan Howell, I got a little background on this wonderment. 

"The Upcycling Emporium started after an impulse purchase of ten coffee sacks. I loved the way the designs looked on the sacks and was confident I could re-purpose them in some way.

I made most of them into new covers for chairs and seats and they looked great.

I then got the bug. I then realised that there was so many things to be done to old and tired pieces of furniture and that it, on the whole, promoted environmentally friendly practices."

They don't just limit their selves to furniture,  some of their most popular items are their framed destination blinds. Typically from old buses and trains and look much better than cheap reproductions. Most buses and trains now operate LED destination signs, so these items are also a piece of history. We have hundreds of destinations from all over the country. We frame each destination individually. They've been sold for use in pubs, hotels and the home. They look great anywhere. The benefit of these is that time goes on, we believe they'll become more and more sought after. 

Such an item would be ideal for Valentines. A city/place you have visited together, maybe where you met? Somewhere you went on your honeymoon or simply a place you'd both like to visit together.


 Here are a just a few examples of the up-cycled beauts!

Blinds: Start from £69 IN STOCK
Nest of tables (set of 3): £45 IN STOCK
Pepsi Boxes: £35 IN STOCK
Kitchen Stools: £45 IN STOCK

Go that extra mile this Valentines. 
Make the effort to break the mould.