Friday, 31 January 2014

Stuff some self respect into yer gob will ye.

Another body image blog. Hello.

I am five foot one inches tall (short) and weigh eight stone. I have hips, thighs and a butt Kim K is envious of but small boobs because I can't have it all. I have never really had any qualms about my weight. I eat 'regular'; veggies, pasta, fish, potato and bare chocolate but I walk tons. I rarely gain more than a few pounds. However, whilst browsing Instagram because I'm a social media whore all I'm faced with is images hating on us skinny girls. Exchuuse me?!

It's like all these girls who weigh a little more quoting semi-famous celebrities with things like 'Real men like curves' 'Only a dog wants a bone'. Real men like what they fuck they want to like. Yes, some men may find tits and ass attractive but other men like us petite brunettes. All for body confidence but doesn't mean you can start hate. It's just as offensive calling on someone who is skinny as it fat, black or disabled. I don't need a 17-year-old girl from Texas telling me I'm less of a woman because I wear size eight jeans.

My bottom is fabulous thank you very much as is my little waist and little ankles. As are yours whatever there size.