1) I really my own company - a stroll around the shops with my music, food in a small cafe and then home to tea and cake. It's been a while since I've been a 9-5er but it's important to get this trait back.
2) I'm glad for that after work pyjama and wine wind down and crap tv and self pamper time. I'm a simple woman (autocorrected was defiant I mean Somali) who likes simple things.
3) My ability to put my all in to something. Not to say I don't moan, I'm a human. I'm a human woman for fucks sake. But I don't like to give up unless it's quite clear I have to. I'll want to do something, I'll do that something. Sometimes it'll be a good something other times not so much (ahem uni). I hate to quote Coldplay but I always say 'if you never try, you'll never know'
4) My friends. Those I don't see as often as id like and as often as I should. It's hard to get caught up in the rat race, ugh that cliche, but it happens. It's weird making friends right, you just meet a human and decide you like this human and you want them in your life and they're there without any formal discussion. My best friend I've known for 12 years plus and it's like 'oh shit yeah, that's ages' and my other pals I'm more than confident that each time we meet were as ace as we always are.
5) Spending time with my boyfriend. It's nice to meet someone on the same page as you, someone's as weird as you and somebody's with same outlooks on things. Sense of humour is key. If you're not laughing in your relationship you're doing it wrong. Of course we have differences but we're alike in the right ways and I'm lucky to have someone who knows how to deal with the odd anxious outbursts (that I'm dead set on stopping, promise)
6) People. I've always been a people person. In the one who speaks with the bus 'weirdo' everyone pretends they don't see, asking strangers where they get their clothes from and telling the cashier my plans for the whole day.
6) Last but not least my family.
I'm a happy girl, I am. Of course it's harder than I'm making out. But no more giving it the room the manifest.