This is no new news for anyone who's ever read my previous blogs/knows me/stalks me but I am a big Ricky Gervais fan. Not only for his work but for himself, his attitudes and his beliefs. The Office, Extras, his stand-ups among his note-able works but Gervais, who is known for his love of pushing boundaries and causing controversy introduced the world to an old friend of his, Derek Noakes.
Derek is a 50 year-old voluntary worker in an elderly care home; popular, well-loved and highly respected and once you watch the show you to will find a place in your heart for him.

The critics had a field day when the pilot aired last year. Gervais' new character has learning difficulties? What an inconsiderate arsehole! Maybe if they watched the show then they'd realise the series isn't a pisstake but a tribute to those everyday heroes we let our inner ignorance pass-by. Kindness is magic, says Derek and it is, we can all learn a little something from the seemingly hapless careworker. It was the intention to create a character who makes you read a little more int. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to judge a book by it's cover?

As the series went on we see Derek lose friends, who he sees as 'mothers' and 'fathers', make friends and annoy his already there friends (pictured left with 'caretaker' Dougie). He creates happiness and laughter whether it's with him or at him as long as they are laughing is enough for him. He makes the best of what he's got and that's something we can take from the show. It's fair to admit I did cry most episodes and laugh lots. Don't watch the show with the idea of a new woe is me Andy Millman or a I'm bloody brilliant David Brent, this character is beyond anything you'd expect from Ricky Gervais, and it's because of that it's works so well. Highly recommend you catching up on what has easily become one of my favourite series' of all time.
It's the ignorance depicted so well from the critics that Derek has been created for. Just like Derek you might take one look at him and wonder why he has a job, question whether there was something wrong with him (this has never been revealed as fact, what would be the need?) we all like to judge before we have the solid hard facts. Be a little more like Derek and let kindness into your life. It won't hurt.
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