I once wrote an article on being an introvert and loving my introvert ways but almost a year later I think, somehow, I have edged more into the extrovert bracket and I'm not quite sure I like it.
If I were on a TV reality show I would be sitting with a green screen behind me probably with a city backdrop. I would be heavily made up because TV isn't realistic and hell maybe even offered an FHM contract (sorry if you were eating, awkward). Growing up I was always surrounded by friends; I knew people. I wasn't disliked as such but I wasn't popular because I was a bit odd, still am a bit odd, so found majority of my high school years reserved, in my shell and with the same handful of friends. It wasn't until I hit eighteen and I met people who were equally quirky but instead of hiding it, embraced it. But how far can you go?
Taking a step back I realise I can often be annoying, a little irritating and yes, a little too full on or maybe this is all in my head and I actually am still quite a quiet kid. As I've matured I've become more acceptable with who I am or so I thought. I've become a lot more sociable as the years have gone on and due to this gain have gained a little confidence and without knowing I have become a tiny bit more of an extrovert. Less stay at home and more out every other night making new friends and talking to strangers about the state of the country.
I like the person I am and I like my quirks I just need to learn how to drop them in slowly when around new people. I don't try and be somebody I'm not but like majority of society, feel misunderstood (insert Coldplay). I am weird but get to know what's underneath the weirdness. There's a hell of alot beneath the weirdness. It's the approach I have to life. No matter if a person is a different colour, disabled or from a different social background, we are all in this together. I am usually the person talking to the drunk weirdo on the bus everybody else avoids, but in all fairness which one of us is the weird one is arguable.
Basically to conclude this rambling, I like Rebecca Helen George I just wish she'd know when to shut up and when not to say things and how to act in public.