Wednesday, 15 May 2013

diary of a twenty something freckle faced lady woman.

I once wrote an article on being an introvert and loving my introvert ways but almost a year later I think, somehow, I have edged more into the extrovert bracket and I'm not quite sure I like it.

If I were on a TV reality show I would be sitting with a green screen behind me probably with a city backdrop. I would be heavily made up because TV isn't realistic  and hell maybe even offered an FHM contract (sorry if you were eating, awkward). Growing up I was always surrounded by friends; I knew people. I wasn't disliked as such but I wasn't popular because I was a bit odd, still am a bit odd, so found majority of my high school years reserved, in my shell and with the same handful of friends. It wasn't until I hit eighteen and I met people who were equally quirky but instead of hiding it, embraced it. But how far can you go?

Taking a step back I realise I can often be annoying, a little irritating and yes, a little too full on or maybe this is all in my head and I actually am still quite a quiet kid. As I've matured I've become more acceptable with who I am or so I thought. I've become a lot more sociable as the years have gone on and due to this gain have gained a little confidence and without knowing I have become a tiny bit more of an extrovert. Less stay at home and more out every other night making new friends and talking to strangers about the state of the country.

I like the person I am and I like my quirks I just need to learn how to drop them in slowly when around new people. I don't try and be somebody I'm not but like majority of society, feel misunderstood (insert Coldplay). I am weird but get to know what's underneath the weirdness. There's a hell of alot beneath the weirdness. It's the approach I have to life. No matter if a person is a different colour, disabled or from a different social background, we are all in this together. I am usually the person talking to the drunk weirdo on the bus everybody else avoids, but in all fairness which one of us is the weird one is arguable.

Basically to conclude this rambling, I like Rebecca Helen George I just wish she'd know when to shut up and when not to say things and how to act in public.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

How nice are you?

I like to think of Britain as the nerdy skinny cousin of the World. Nobody really takes it seriously until it becomes hellbent of revenge and kicks ass. We've done it twice before, so stop laughing at us. We're a laid-back Nation and will laugh at ourselves but we are proud and defiant that we can be better than our current state and will do all we can to do so.

I do have a point, don't worry. After reading Danny Wallace's latest piece in Shortlist magazine I began to wonder, how nice is too nice? His piece is about the over-thanking of a customer to a waiter and I flipped it on it's head. I am forever thanking customers for absolutely no reason at all other than being polite. Serving their drinks, 'One coke and a Peroni, thank you', serving their food 'Hi guys, two chicken salads, thank you' It doesn't make any sense. Say I have a customer talking to me about their life I am genuinely interested but when I have my manager staring at me sternly from the other side of the room with food to be ran and drinks to be served I find it awkward to stop them mid-sentence to run off.

I've done it in the past when I've bumped into bins and tables. 'Oops sorry' and when I've left MY phone on the bus and somebody has called me back and passed it to me 'Oh, sorry' like it's a bother to them if I don't have my phone.

I like to think I'm a nice person, but sometimes nice is irritating. I will compliment someones outfit if they look nice, I will tell somebody if their tag is hanging out their dress or toilet paper is stuck to their shoe but I am also a judgmental person which  if we're all honest are all guilty of it. That inferior gene that brings along it's competitive gene. Usually notice mine when I see people getting the jobs I want. Yes at first I am happy for them, they worked hard and deserve it but then so do I so where's my break? I can do this job just as good as them if not better..I then snap my bitchier interior away from reality and realise I am just being human.

Some people might look down their noses to me because I'm a bit weird but let them. There's nothing wrong with being nice and there's nothing wrong with being too nice. Yes it might feel like you're being false but if it comes across genuine then it's fine. I don't just make conversation with customers because I want a tip but because I enjoy strangers (that didn't sound so creepy in my head). I do, I love meeting new people and finding out about them it's just knowing when to stop. They don't care if you're cat has changed it's cat food and didn't really like it at first but now seems to be enjoying it and by the way I love your socks. I'd rather a reply from 'What are your plans for tonight?' wasn't me and Jim have a room in Jurys Inn and plan to shag until the early hours of the morning. This doesn't have to apply with work-life. Opening doors for people, smiling at strangers, letting an old lady sit down in your sit/on your lap or handing somebody's wallet in. It's the little things that you'd like to think people would do for you. For every one arsehole there's five more sweethearts, remember that.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

the rise of the quirkster.*

* weird kid in class that will occasionally bust out singing songs from Titanic or have a week long crush on a guy because he has nice arms.

Hello. I'm Rebecca a 22-year-old lass from Birmingham. I'm an iddy biddy, all five foot and one inch of me and with three sisters each with their own lovely personalities I think from the word go I've had to fight for attention. Not really on purpose, christ no. Nothing I've ever intended to do, but I think it's finally time I accepted and loved my inner (and probably in your face) quirkster.

Over the years we've loved the quirky girl in films and sitcoms. Friends bought us Phoebe Buffay or as she'd like to be Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock and most recently Zooey Deschanel who is just as outrageous as her on-screen character Jess from New Girl. Even us Brits have the odd loveable odd 'un. Miranda Hart. Yes her show is staged but if you are a fan you know it's based on her life so there. How can I forget John JD Dorian from medical sitcom Scrubs with his constant inner monologue and love for appletinis?

I sing out loud. I dance in public (only if I'm with someone, I wouldn't do it if I was alone, dur). I talk crap.  I read tea leaves in a wine glass without tea leaves in it. I make a tit out of myself but I embrace it.  But I am (can I say this about myself?) quite intelligent, mature, ambitious, loving and kind and hilarious and not just when you're laughing at me. For a long time I refused to believe I wasn't normal and that I was odd because I always thought it meant being locked away in a white jacket and I really can't wear white because I'm pale. It was only when I found my old Bebo and my old Myspace and old diaries, yes I was a bore, aged 15 and stalked paperboys, that I realised I have always been this way and always will be. I've matured over the years, I'm wise and headstrong but I'm a crazy bag of crazy cats.

You shouldn't be ashamed of the person you are and shouldn't feel the need to pretend to be anything else. There is nothing wrong with unleashing your true self on to the world. Normal is boring. Nobody remembers boring. People might think 'Oh dear lord what is she doing' when I walk around work doing the mom shuffle dance but it's who I am. I can control her, sort of. She's usually at her best when on dates. Phoebe found Mike who loved her. Where's my Mike Crapbag?

It seems there are so much of us now and that being weird is the new cool thing. The new tamagochi or the new bubble back pack. So much of us that I have given us a collective name, the quirksters. In fifty years we will look back in fondness as we describe to our grandchild how we once made a sex joke when having a job interview and how we made up a dance routine in the middle of a pub on a quiet Tuesday afternoon.
There is a fine line to being a kooky kid and being a maniac though guys, don't run around the city centre in your batman pyjamas singing I believe I can fly.

Don't create a quirky personality. It's just as weird as me pretending to be normal. If you can't love yourself how can you expect anybody else to. Confidence is sexy. Purrr. Wave your freak flag with pride.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

What we can learn from Hipsters.

Hipsters used to group middle class twenty somethings but in recent years the term has become loosened. It's now used to describe the pesky thrift shopping 16 to 21-year-olds who plait their hair and love their life. I've been thrown into the Hipster/Indie kid pit myself a few times. Just because I like owls, wolves, tea, cakes, beards, tattoos and vintage clothes doesn't necessarily mean I'm a hipster but yes, yes I probably am. If anything I am their leader, all these kids running around in their Oxfam clothes and raiding their mothers wardrobes. I will take you into their world and give you a few life lessons we can learn from these little rascals.

1. Love life. Hipsters, unlike goths and emos and skaters and chavs (society really is full of miserable twats isn't it?) are generally happy-go-lucky munchkins. Optimistic skipping about in their urban outfitter skater skirts and Fred Perry polo shirts.

2. Be a romantic. Quote songs and movies. Why? Why the hell not. See pictures either side, cuties aren't they? For these and similar please join tumblr, this is where Hipsters reside when not in second hand stores or coffee shops or tattoo parlors or dying their hair wacky colours.

3. Save the world, get the girl. As majority of hipsters enjoy thrifting/second hand stores they are helping the British economy. Not only by recycling and up-cycling (cut your dress into a cropped t-shirt, go on, I dare you) they are helping the rise of our beloved charity shops and the charities themselves. They wear your grandads clothes, they look incredible.

4. They like cats and cats are loving animals. Cat's calm you down. Therefore stroking a cat a day will lower stress levels and inevitably keep us living longer.

5. The constant need to blog everything, your life is on the internet for the world and it's mother to see. Makes the whole 'Who you are' ancestry thing easier for your great grand-kids. Freckles and Frolics will be engraved on my headstone, dur.

6. They like coffee and reading books and baths. Something we can all relate to. Relax bro. 

So next time they push past you on the bus listening to their versatile i-pod (Kanye, One Direction and the Weeknd, yolo) in their vans, cut off shorts, tanned skin and pink dip-dyed hair think about the good they are doing for us, our economy and how much happier you could be if you let yourself take a leaf from the hipster tree.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Nation of TMI? OFC, LOL.

'Put it away for christ sake', I say as I watch a channel four documentary cleverly named 40 year Old Virgins. It documents a 45-year-old man and a 30-something Irish lass desperate to lose the big V. As I am a huge fan of weird and a huge fan of documentaries, I was oddly hooked.

In today's highly sexualised society it's easy to assume we're all comfortable talking about sex. I'm far from prude but there are things I want to see on TV and there are things I'd rather delete from my brain and this channel four documentary is one of them. Are we becoming a nation of over-sharing and where does it end?

It opens with lots of hands and clothed breasts and the odd naked buttock shot so it pretty much led us into this journey of no escape from the word go. You don't want to watch it but you can not withdraw your eyes from the screen.

Apparently, this is news to me, there are sex therapists in America called surrogates who prepare you for the big moment, right ok. So a lot of talking about likes, dislikes, turn ons and turn offs? Nope, think again.

We join Clive Dancey, pictured above, on his travels with his few sexual relations on his CV to America to meet his surrogate sex partner, Cheryl. Cheryl is an elderly woman, twenty years Clive's junior. She can boast a massive 850 sexual escapades and a part-time husband who is very understanding about her work, ahem. Within minutes the pair were sucking fingers and stroking hands, legs wrapped around legs before they'd even have time to introduce each (I might be exaggerating a tiny bit here, but you get the picture).

Irish virgin was a bit mean to her surrogate, constantly telling him he smelt like ham and that he had a sweaty face. Safe to say her trip wasn't as successful as Clive's. His training included naked spooning, yes I saw an old ladies downstairs and I wish I hadn't, dry humping and lot's of weird sensual massages which as lovely as they aren't something you wish to receive from your Nan.

I'd expect a subtle door shut as the big moment arrives; an awkward camera-man and crew waiting outside but no hapless Dancey is successful. Cheryl clambers on top of him and wahey, bingo. We see it all. All ten awkward seconds of it. Sat open mouthed yet eyes still glued to the screen I began to wonder; why would you want to share this moment with a) a stranger who couldn't make one session because she was collecting her pension (jokes) and b) the whole frigging nation!?

I think they are the same sorts of people who will show their warty arse to Dr. Christian or lumpy tits to Dr. Pixie of Embarrassing Bodies. Yes, I'm so mortified by my condition but sure I'll pull my kecks down in front of you and this camera crew and let you have a fiddle. It's not normal.

The same can be said for Secret Eaters and other fat/skinny based programes, a lot of which I disagree should be on TV but I believe there are under-lying mental issues with eating disorders and they don't need millions of people pointing the finger and laughing at them yet I still watch them as do you because we find a tiny bit of joy from the fact we aren't them. This isn't our life, those aren't our flaws being picked out by a pompous prat and more importantly those aren't our tits being fondled by Dr Is-he really-a-doctor Christian Jessen.

If you put it out there, we as the laid-back yet moan about everything nation we are will watch it and the probably complain about it on their blog.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Hey, it's okay have a girl crush.

Blimey, I have a several a day. Miss Pervert is what I shall now be known as if you please. I mean this in a completely straight way (nothing wrong with lesbians, I'm pro same-sex love) but I am forever checking girls out.

Okay, yes more so than what they are wearing than what they are packing but I don't feel they realise this. I'm not a hand in pants sitting at the back of the bus type pervert, I will just notice beautiful people. Male or female.  I just love anyone who knows how to dress for their shape, whilst looking good. 

London Fashion Week '13
I once saw a girl in a simple get-up; black cropped trousers, black top with an oversized tweed jacket accessorized with (my current obsession) a chunky necklace. I prefer the more reserved style. Simplicity with effort. Somebody like Rita Ora, as gorgeous as she is, is the opposite to my style but each to their own. My style has been described ‘vintage granny chic’, they are really not my own words. I don’t purposely dress to a certain style. I’ll throw things together and if it looks good, I’ll wear it. I have constant 'I have nothing to wear days/where are my clothes?' days like the rest of us. I can't  just try on one outfit in the morning. It’s like five and then put on what we wore to start with. There are days I look generic if I’m heading to work, looking smoking in my too big for me jeans and black shirt and there are days I’ll make an extra bit of effort. I get bored easily with some items but, like most of us, have our beloved trusty statement pieces. Those blazers, those black boots, that staple blouse.
Style crush alert - Ne-Naw
Elegance and simplicity
 - Palermo style
My style girl crush is probably 99% girls on the street, girls in magazines and few celebs like Olivia Palermo (left)  who is the Queen of elegance without even trying and Fearne Cotton who likes to wow with daring prints or keeps it fresh, scruffy and vintage (so cringey, I know. And cliche) pictured right.  I hardly talk about my fashion influences because it people don’t really care. Friends will say they like something I’m wearing, I’ll say where I got it and conversation is over. We shouldn't be afraid to be like that with strangers. So many times I’ve asked a customer at work, in the street or in the queue in Topshop where they got their necklace/dress/shoes from, not so I can go and clone their outfit but just because it’s nice to see how other people dress certain items of clothing. Plus it gives a nice confidence boost to a stranger! Nothing puts a smile on your face than an unexpected compliment, even if it is from the crazy girl behind you in the queue.
My summer must haves are as always trusty nautical theme, bright pencil skirts, lots of stripes, cropped t-shirts, pleats, a-line skirts, brown wedges and lots of Aztec print. I don't like monochrome mainly because it doesn't suit my pastey skin. Accessories I just love trashy gold pieces. Lots of it. Think Pat Butcher on crack.

So, if you see me looking at you or occasionally double glancing please don’t be creeped out. It just means your outfit is smokin’. Like totally.
(sampled from a previous blog post)

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Traits/Habits I Hate.

Right, just to set things straight I do moan a lot but I am probably one of the most laid-back sods you'll ever meet. I know, paradox much. I don't get offended and I swear like your grandad. I don't judge people but there are things that really grind my gears.

1. Arrogance - there is a tiny line that separates confidence and arrogance and not so many realise when they have crossed it. These people are usually too busy picking out others faults to notice or they don't care. They think the world revolves around them and it really, really does not. Get off your high horse and start living down here in the real world.

2. Correctors - You get something wrong, say a fact or joke and quickly realise your mistake and try to change the subject, but no, these people are on hand to point out and laugh at you and make you look a bigger tit than Katie Prices leftie.

3. Mouth open whilst eating-ers - gross. Even Adam Levine was sitting opposite me, naked and was slurping his soup and chopping sloppily on his steak I'd have to ask him to leave.

4. Look at me, look at me! - You have a big personality, we get it. Now sit the fuck down and shut up.

5. Arse lickers - I don't mean this quite literally, what you prefer to do in your own time is your own business, but I mean people who suck up to people. Usually bosses. I hate people who are false. I'm weird but I'm down-to-earth. Either like me or you don't but I won't go changing for anyone.

6. Racism - it isn't acceptable. Ever. Under any circumstances, but then again it isn't acceptable to play the racism card. Sometimes a white man will fight an Asian man for reasons other than his skin colour, unless proven otherwise, call him a shitty thug.

7. Bodily functions in public - from farting (why do I find it so horrible to have this word on my blog yet I have the word fuck at least 12 - count, I dare you) to nose picking. Especially as I have a weak stomach. I watched a woman openly picking her nose and ears on the train the other day. Even when I saw her she carried on, even looking at me like I was in the wrong for not digging out my orifices. Vile.

8. Me, me, me - People who talk about themselves. All. The. Time. They don't care about what you've been up to, just as long as you know what they've been doing with their lives they are happy.

I'm not perfect either so here are some habits/quirks I'm sorry for:
I talk too much, sometimes about nonsense and I'll expect you understand what I'm on about. I could be having a conversation with myself (I'm a right hoot y'see) and suddenly bring you into it. But on the other hand I do consider listening one of my all time top traits, I love conversation! I stare off into the distance, even if we're talking. I am listening to you. I promise. I'm just a people watcher and like to see what everyone else is up to. I hate that I do this but I can interrupt you while you're talking. Only if I have a similar story, I won't do it to shut you off. If I hear a song I like on the radio I will dance or sing, subtley, but yes, I will do it in public.

What are your bad habits? What habits really get on your goat?

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Job rejection generation.

My last article featured interview tips and advice as I consider myself an expert I've had that many, well, I did. Lately the job front has been as slow as a slug riding a tortoise.I'm not sure about yourselves but, as a 22-year-old partially qualified young professional I am finding harder than I originally thought to find a job. I'm not talking serving food to middle aged couples or pouring cocktails for the wild youth but a proper job, a stepping stone into a career.

Most young people will admit to not having a clue as to what they'd like to do with their lives, even those at universities have little thought as to where their degree will take them. I am one of them. I know what I'd like to do as a dream job and what I need to do to get there it's just the nitty-gritty in-between that leaves me clueless.

As a university dropout (a decision that took a lot of thinking and one I do not regret) I am finding it harder to find even a simple office job but even graduate friends are having similar problems. We see in the news that unemployment has fell 14,000 between October and December to 2.5 million, especially in 16-24 band, but I can bet you that this is mostly made up of part timers. What about us who want a fresh start, a new challenge.

My CV is made up of retail, catering, bar work and waitressing with a 6 month experience in administration. I wish employers would look at this! I have the experience god darn it, albeit 6 years ago but what more do they want? Most jobs states they are looking for an already experienced Assistant with two years in a similar role, but why can't my customer service skills from current job be taken in. Same thing. I have great organisational skills, great customer service and a sponge like brain. I only need one employer to give me the break I need so I can start my career whilst I'm still young. Plenty of friends my age are in similar minimum wage jobs and it saddens me to think this is shrugged off as the norm. It's not as though I'm applying for jobs out of experience, I am a realist. I am fully aware of my strengths and weaknesses but all I appear to get is 'thanks for your application but unfortunately the position has been filled'. I just scan the email looking for that word and don't bother reading on.

I'm optimistic I will get a job soon it's just a case of when and I know it's just a case of somebody else being a little more qualified/experience than me not being good enough. I've even started a college course in hope an extra qualification will give me that extra push. Fingers crossed not only for myself but for the rest of my fellow job rejection generation.

*correct as of Feb 2013.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Blabber McBlabberson - Interview tips

What not to do in a job interview

Don't pretend you know what you're talking about: If the interviewer asks you something you don't understand do not answer with nonsense that is in no way relevant to the question and throwing in words you think will impress, they will not and you will look silly and end up babbling. This will only enhance your nerves and will get you nowhere.  Ask them to repeat the question or give an example, they'll respect your honesty.

Try not to repeat yourself over and over again: Yes you might be a little nervous, especially if the job is one you really want but/or feel you have little experience in. This happened to me recently and I ended up word vomiting all over the poor woman. I made myself out to be more skilled than I was and backtracking when she asked for examples. Oops. This is why I don't lie, I can't!

Make sure not to go to the wrong interview: As silly as this may sound, this has actually happened to me. Luckily I was in the right building, on the right floor just got ushered to the wrong office. I was sat there with a bunch of executive looking people (you'd have thought this would have sent alarm bells ringing, but no), then the interviewer mentioned a previous interview we'd all supposed to have had, and started getting us to make notes on something I had zero knowledge in. I had by then realised I was in the wrong interview but sat there casually until somebody came in and dragged me out...

Don't over-sell yourself: There is a very fine line between confidence and arrogance, a very very fine line. Try to avoid words such best, better, fantastic but try and use highly skilled, exceptionally and well-recognised. Give examples where you've shone in your previous jobs but limit them to one example every few questions. However you can twist the truth, just be careful and ready to back-up.

Probably best if you don't drink hot chocolate and sit on the same leg previously: Again, this happened to me. I was just 19 and it was my third interview. The interview itself went well, I impressed them with my ambition to progress, made them laugh, asked the right questions so I was allowed to feel a little smug when I walked off. Well, hobbled. The whole time I had my leg crossed over the other and lost all feeling and to make it worse I checked my reflection and noticed I had hot chocolate on my cheek. Safe to say I didn't hear back.

Do dress appropriately:  From my experience it's best to do a little research before your interview, find out about the company. If they are a hard-hitting business corporation suit up! If they are a relaxed 'everybody's best pals here' type then suit up casually. Example, smart dress teamed with a colourful blazer or for gents a nice shirt and trousers, no tie.

Do research the business: Find out how the business came about, it's successes and it's current ventures but don't sound scripted. They already know about their business they are here to interview you, just ensure you've done background reading in-case they ask you what you know about them. It'll be #awkward when you know nothing about the company you wish to work for.

'HAHAHAHAHA - You are so funny!'
and lastly the three S's SMILE SHINE SEDUCE: Be a happy, smiley, confident individual no matter how nervous you may be. Think about if you were doing the interviewing  Would you want you to work for you? Nobody likes a miserable cow even if they are just nerves. Shine, if you're highly skilled let them know. As I've said before, be prepared for examples as they will try and catch you out. Seduce them, I don't mean this sexually. Nobody wants to succeed this way, make them want you for your skills, your personality and your ambition. Think what you could bring from the company and what you'd like to take from them.

Have you got any interview tips? Any embarrassing experiences?

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Give Gervais a break.

This is no new news for anyone who's ever read my previous blogs/knows me/stalks me but I am a big Ricky Gervais fan. Not only for his work but for himself, his attitudes and his beliefs. The Office, Extras, his stand-ups among his note-able works but Gervais, who is known for his love of pushing boundaries and causing controversy introduced the world to an old friend of his, Derek Noakes.

Derek is a 50 year-old voluntary worker in an elderly care home; popular, well-loved and highly respected and once you watch the show you to will find a place in your heart for him.

The critics had a field day when the pilot aired last year. Gervais' new character has learning difficulties? What an inconsiderate arsehole! Maybe if they watched the show then they'd realise the series isn't a pisstake but a tribute to those everyday heroes we let our inner ignorance pass-by. Kindness is magic, says Derek and it is, we can all learn a little something from the seemingly hapless careworker. It was the intention to create a character who makes you read a little more int. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to judge a book by it's cover?

As the series went on we see Derek lose friends, who he sees as 'mothers' and 'fathers', make friends and annoy his already there friends (pictured left with 'caretaker' Dougie). He creates happiness and laughter whether it's with him or at him as long as they are laughing is enough for him. He makes the best of what he's got and that's something we can take from the show. It's fair to admit I did cry most episodes and laugh lots. Don't watch the show with the idea of a new woe is me Andy Millman or a I'm bloody brilliant David Brent, this character is beyond anything you'd expect from Ricky Gervais, and it's because of that it's works so well. Highly recommend you catching up on what has easily become one of my favourite series' of all time.

It's the ignorance depicted so well from the critics that Derek has been created for. Just like Derek you might take one look at him and wonder why he has a job, question whether there was something wrong with him (this has never been revealed as fact, what would be the need?) we all like to judge before we have the solid hard facts. Be a little more like Derek and let kindness into your life. It won't hurt.

Friday, 8 March 2013

T.V Favourites - Being Human

I'm either getting boring in my old age or television just isn't what it used to be. There are a handful of shows I watch intently though, some of which are old favourites, others are new and sadly most are coming to an end, one of which has been a firm favourite for a while. Being Human, oh how I will miss you.


George, Mitchell and Annie circa 2009
It was 2008 and on popped my screen were three unfamiliar faces.One a tiny bit gormless but loveable and very intelligent, another a young twenty something woman with a penchant for tea and the other tall, dark and unbelievably fucking handsome. George, Annie and Mitchell. To cut a long story short for those who haven't watched the series and followed it like a deranged stalker. The three lived together in the ladies house where she lived with her boyfriend who 'accidentally' killed her. Oh yeah, she's a ghost. Silly sausage George is a werewolf and Mr. Mean and Moody is a vampire and they all lived not-so-happily-ever-after trying to live a 'human' life.

Series one was more laughs and an introduction to the characters. Series two let us into the darkness of the supernatural world and the pain each character had, in particular  John Mitchell. Series three was darker and sad. Very sad. Very very sad. We lose several key characters but fear not, we have some very important characters on their way. Don't worry it does work. I promise.

Then series four introduced us to two new characters. Harry 'Hal' Yorke, a 15th century soldier/vampire and Alex Millar, a down-to-earth tell it like it is twenty something kookster. A slight romance bought the two together and ended in her death. (Was human, now not so human). Right, up to track?

Tom, Alex and Hal.
They sort of become best friends of yours.
Anyway, here there are. Mitchell staked, Annie saving the world and fulfiling her unfinished business in season four leaving hapless but street-smart Tom McNair (the adoptive son of Robson and Jerome) the only sort of original cast. Hal turns up, meets Alex in her human form, she dies as a result of befriending him and her ghost tags along with the duo and they make Honolulu Heights their home. Just like the previous characters a bromance forms between the two males and slight will they won't they romance lurking between the broody male (Mitchell/Hal) and the normal girl (Annie/Alex). Nothing is ever simple for us mere mortals let alone the Supernatural. They too fall in love, get jobs, lose jobs, make friends, lose friends. Just like us.

I will admit I was stubborn with the arrival of the newcomers but series five has impressed me massively. I can't deal with the fact this is the last series and the last episode is this Sunday  A few story-lines have been slightly repetitive but it has worked.

Hal is sad therefore I am sad.
Mitchell was a badass motherfucker, Hal is more of a motherfucker but is yet to truly unleash that side of him. We see the polite, well mannered, buttoned up polo-shirt Hal and have had glimpses of his evil side. Is there a link between himself and Hatch? Can Hal keep himself under control? (Pst. Hatch is the devil that Hal and some others accidentally let loose hundreds of years ago. Played by the fella who was in Bob and Rose, ask your ma)  I have nobody to fan-girl with. Nobody to discuss potential plots or read into things with. I am a slight geek and shows like this bring it out. I have never known myself to fan-girl so much since Supernatural.

I love everything about the show. It brings us a lorra laughs, it makes us cry and allows us to feel apart of the journey. I once called Hal a dickhead. In fact I shouted it loudly because I was disappointed in him. You get that attached to the characters and you have everyone involved in creating the show for that. From the brilliant and beautiful cast to the writers to the designers on set Being Human is massively underrated and deserves as much recognition as I can give it. Yes, a little late but go catch up on the brilliance. QUICK! You still have time before Sunday.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Hair care faves - after wash/before blow dry.

As a young woman I have always enjoyed experimenting, often badly, with my hair. Bleaching it stupid amount of times, colouring it, straightening it and attempting and failing to curl it. This has obviously left my hair in a horrible condition. So much so I hated wearing it down.

I decided it was time to fix up and look sharp, spending a considerable amount of time in Superdrug and ended up with the following beauties who have currently became my all-time favourites.

For volume it's a close call between two; Andrew Barton's I Love Volume and V05's Plump it Up. Both products leave my hair smelling stunning but when it comes down to it, it's V05 which leaves my hair with a lot of bounce in my bonce.

Andrew Barton I LOVE VOLUME 
Doves' Colour Radiance Hair Therapy

For general conditioning and heat protection it's either Elvive Full Restore or Doves Colour Radiance. I feel both products may not do much post blow dry but it's the pre-styling where they leave my hair feeling soft and smelling great and obviously both do their heat protection job well, (I hope!)

The over-all favourite item of all time, and yes I'm a little behind, is L'Oreal Extraordinary Oil, I mean wow! Not only does it leave my hair soft and smelling great but it gives it a great shine finish. Since using the oil my hair has became recognizably healthier. It has grown as-well!

I don't use all the products at once and I do still limit myself to straightening my hair and so far the results show this to be a winner! I have yet to try any other type of oil, do you have any favourites you swear by?

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

I need a hobby...

Interviews, dates or just general chit-chat with strangers I always have nothing to say when asked 'So, do you have any hobbies?' 

I really don't. I enjoy blogging but can blogging be classed as a hobby? It's something I enjoy and do not-so-regularly but I'm not out the house and not with people. I always include 'socialising' as a hobby but what I really mean is getting pissed now and again and/or eating myself into a food coma.

I am a very social person who loves learning and doing and meeting new people but I seem to have gotten myself into the inevitable rut of a working woman; work, wine, sleep repeat. Time to kick my large for a slim person arse into shape. Here are a few hobbies and things to do that have taken my liking around Birmingham, plus I need to see more of my hometown, and been added to my to-do list. (Seriously, I've made one)

First and foremost is the O2 Academy. Gigs. Who doesn't love a good gig? Rubbing against a sweaty stranger is one of my favourite things to do. The website provides a listing of up-coming gigs and allows you to book tickets there and then. Other music venues include NIA, NEC, the flapper, Hare and Hounds, the Yardbird. There is always a gig going on somewhere in town if you look for it.

To fulfil my inner adrenaline junkie a friend mentioned Redpoint (image from It's only £16 p/a for an hourly session, including training and equipment. They have several routes and it has been constructed with varied routes across different shapes and angles. Unless specified otherwise you are invited to use everything

I plan to see hidden gems the town has to offer  and spend more time there whether it's cafes, coffee shops (Yorks, 6/8 Kafe etc) or restaurants or even spend a day at Birmingham Museuem.

I have never ever been to Cadbury World either, something I am very ashamed of. I shouldn't really allow it to become a hobby although I'd very much like it to be.  The tour includes how to make chocolate, demonstrations and a history of the factory and it's local area. It says it's great for families and groups of school children but I don't remember seeing an age limit on bars of chocolate do you?

For my creative side I have also found loads of make-&-do crafts through through Creative Open Workshops (C.O.W) all perfect for that inner quirky chic character we all have inside of us. 'I love your_____ Bec. Where did you get it?' 'I made it myself'

  • Jewellery Making - March
  • Sewing - March
  • Create your own table linen - March
  • CYO Purses - March
  • Laptop sleeves - Feb 
(for more information please see the website in link above - may require booking)

I've always been proud of Birmingham, though I currently live in Walsall I do consider myself a Brummie. The town has so much to offer than you might initially think.

Have you got any interesting/exciting things to do around Birmingham?

Hey, it's okay...

... to enjoy being single.

Aged 22 I have had only one long term relationship and few but lovely short term things. I date, quite a lot in recent months but mostly because I enjoy meeting new people. There was no 'spark' with any of them if I'm honest, I don't believe things like that grow with time. It's either there it or it isn't. Not love, just a tiny spark to get you excited. My last 'relationship' was a few years ago but I haven't been that bothered in having anything serious since. That does not mean I sleep around! Woah!

 I think either I expect too much, am too fussy or I scare the good guys off, my personality can hit you like a ton of bricks if I'm comfortable enough with you, but it's who I am and I like me.

Everybody else around me is in a relationship and it's gotten to the point my family/friends have stopped asking if I'm 'seeing anyone'. I do see people, ie more than dating and less than a serious relationship (again, not in a slutty way) feelings involved but as are complications. Complications always seem to find me and this might be the underlying reason I avoid relationships. I'm not a fan of drama in situation. I think a relationship should be with somebody you consider a best friend as well as somebody you find so fucking irresistible and who makes your heart beat that little faster and is the reason for the twinkle in your eye. The person who can make you happy just by being in the same room, who cheers you up by saying nothing and doesn't give a shit  if you have serious conversations with your cats.

I don't just have relationships with anyone, I am, according to family and friends, very fussy. I have to 'feelings' or at least a spark with someone to consider taking it to the serious level. I enjoy my life as it is, I don't need a man there. I see my friends as and when I please and do what I want when I want. I'm not saying couples don't do this but in my experience couples are clingy and around each other 24/7. Maybe I am just jealous, been single too long so just found myself used to it. Some people are used to relationships, I'm used to being on my own. (Christ, this sounds remotely 'pity me', it isn't!) I either really like people who are taken/friends or go on dates with people who really aren't my type whatsoever just for the 'craic. It's for this reason I've stopped dating for a while. I wouldn't say no if the right-ish one came along but I have other things keeping me happy right now. I don't hate on couples, if I did I'd have no friends, I'm the permanent third wheel for christ sake! 

All I'm saying is, if you to like me enjoy your own space, your own time and being single then don't be afraid to shout about it. Don't let people pity you. Be proud of everything else you have achieved or are achieving in your life.


Sunday, 27 January 2013

Alternative Valentines gifts - Vinyl Clocks

Excuse me while I quote one of my favourite films 'Love is like oxygen, love is a many splendored thing! Love lifts us up where we belong! All you need is love!' - Moulin Rouge, 2001. Never has a statement been more true. Well, we need money and have to eat, just as Satine points out, but love really does give you that incredible buzzing feeling, a similar feeling to hearing your favourite song loudly or re-discovering a song from your childhood. So, continuing my Alternative valentines day, how about something that links music and love, two of the greatest highs of life.

Vinyl Clocks.

"The idea behind Vinyl Clocks is really very simple. Music evokes memories.  You don't have to hear the music to trigger the memory, just the name of the song, the rest is in your head." explains Tim of VC.

"We always look at clocks, so each time you check the time, you get a good memory as well."

For me it certainly does, whether it's a guy I've dated or a song from parties, clubs or even songs from films. You don't really remember how much you miss a song until you hear it again,  something about a lyric that triggers those forgotten memories, nothing beats that joy. I then over-play the song for days but that's my own fault.  Such an awkward turtle.

I'm a fan of 'different' and unique products. Whether it's clothes, shoes, make up or just household items I enjoy having a story to tell behind the item. I've yet to move into my very own place (just me, no annoying housemates/parents) but I have set out a room plan for each room of the flat - yes, I am weird like that.) 

Want to let your other half know that you actually are aware of their favourite song or their favourite band? Impress them with to a Vinyl Clock! Your song, their favourite or simply just a message you wish to get across to them 'I want your sex' by George Michael was a choice last year...very to the point to the say the least! Ahem.

You can choose your ideal vinyl through genres, decades and even send a request: Vinyl Clocks

Varying from ELO and Beatles through to Foo Fighters and Elbow. There are so many I want! 

Just have a few more months to wait, a wall full of clocks is normal, right? 

ELO: £19.95
Foo Fighters - Low: £26.95
Queen - Under Pressure / Bohemian Rhapsody:  £34.95

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Alternative Valentines gifts -Upcycling Emporium

Flowers are over-rated and most women treat themselves to a chocolate or two every night (omg, no we don't) so why not treat your girlfriend/wife/girl yo crushin' on to something a little different. Show you pay an interest to their interests and hobbies. Buy them something that will make them feel as special as they make you feel (pass the sickbag!) In this series, the first of my new blog, I will be bringing you struggling Casanovas a few ideas starting off with this beauty.

Upcycling Emporium

Vintage and up-cycled items have become a must-have trend in the past few years, not only for it's quirkiness in the fashion industry but during the recession it is what most of us could afford. Birmingham based Upcycling Emporium have taken this trend on board and breathe new life into what most would consider old crap, creating new and unique pieces, ranging from chairs to desks to shelves to tables. 

I find the items are beautifully redesigned with an added touch of colour and a dash of va-va-voom, ideal for bedrooms, living rooms and offices. Kooky one-off pieces ideal for that kooky woman in your life.

Speaking to it's founder, Ryan Howell, I got a little background on this wonderment. 

"The Upcycling Emporium started after an impulse purchase of ten coffee sacks. I loved the way the designs looked on the sacks and was confident I could re-purpose them in some way.

I made most of them into new covers for chairs and seats and they looked great.

I then got the bug. I then realised that there was so many things to be done to old and tired pieces of furniture and that it, on the whole, promoted environmentally friendly practices."

They don't just limit their selves to furniture,  some of their most popular items are their framed destination blinds. Typically from old buses and trains and look much better than cheap reproductions. Most buses and trains now operate LED destination signs, so these items are also a piece of history. We have hundreds of destinations from all over the country. We frame each destination individually. They've been sold for use in pubs, hotels and the home. They look great anywhere. The benefit of these is that time goes on, we believe they'll become more and more sought after. 

Such an item would be ideal for Valentines. A city/place you have visited together, maybe where you met? Somewhere you went on your honeymoon or simply a place you'd both like to visit together.


 Here are a just a few examples of the up-cycled beauts!

Blinds: Start from £69 IN STOCK
Nest of tables (set of 3): £45 IN STOCK
Pepsi Boxes: £35 IN STOCK
Kitchen Stools: £45 IN STOCK

Go that extra mile this Valentines. 
Make the effort to break the mould.